Wednesday, October 27, 2010


As with any war, there are casualties. Growing a beard is a war of attrition. It isn't easy to get past the itching and the odd looking bald spots and the change in beard hair color. These are the times that you could say we are in the trenches with our hats being shot off. We are scared, frustrated, and just sad. Every year there are casualties, those that can't take it and give up for whatever reason. Here are some common ones.

1. "My wife/girlfriend told me to shave it off, she hates it and doesn't want to kiss me." To that I say grow a pair. You are a man and beards are for men.

2. "I can't grow a decent beard." It isn't about the ability and DNA to grow a great beard, it is about the will and inner strength.

3. "I look stupid with a beard." You look stupid without a beard.

4. "3 months is too long to grow." 3 months is barely enough.

5. "My work won't let me grow one." Tell them the truth that bearded employees increase sales by 73%.

Hang in there, you are gonna like what you have accomplished very soon.



  1. i'd grow a beard, if i could. true story.

  2. me too! and if i could grow a beard I'm pretty sure that there would be peace in the middle east.

  3. Number 3 is my favorite. I love CMB season. You boys are hilarious.

  4. They may take our beards, but they'll never take our freedom!!!!!!!!!
